Millions of people follow the tradition of giving Valentines gifts, without really questioning why. There is nothing wrong with this of course, but it made me realize how blind we can be to what happens around us.
For example did you know that the tradition of giving diamond engagement rings was simply invented by De Beers in the 1930’s as part of an ad campaign to boost falling Diamond sales?
No you probably can’t use that excuse for not getting a ring…
But what if you literally couldn’t see anything?
I read a fascinating article about blind and partially sighted individuals. How they are learning special forms of self defense to protect themselves even without vision.
I wrote about how important our other senses are in my bestselling self defense book but have you ever tried training ‘blind’?
Here’s a challenge for you:
- Grab a friend with a focus mitt (punch pad) and have them hold a target for you.
- Now blindfold yourself (A Martial Arts belt works well).
- Take 2 steps away
- Your task is now to strike the pad with power and focus.
In my next email I’ll reveal the two secret techniques you can learn to easily strike the target, fight or even defend yourself while completely blind!
- Phil
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