Updated TaeKwonDo Guide
After some work the updated version of the excellent TaeKwonDo Grading guide has been uploaded to the Kindle Store;
Containing the same great content as before the book includes specific grading requirements for ITF, TAGB, GTUK and many other styles of Tae Kwon Do.
* Grading requirements: Each belt broken into a section covering;
* Theory + meanings
* Practical and floor work requirements
* Korean terminology
* Patterns - step-by-step written guide
* Easy to follow
It's interesting that Amazon is keen to increase the amount of books available and yet at the same time refuses to list books that bear any passing resemblance to existing content elsewhere. Or as they put it "freely available on the web".
Fair enough you might say since they are trying to remove cheap, poor quality content scraped directly from the web. But when it comes to reference guides the fact is that there is only one way to describe certain techniques. It's either correct (and may be found elsewhere in part online) or it's wrong (but original). Obviously those of us that compile good quality reference guides (and have great reviews) become somewhat miffed when our books are removed for being similar to content found on the web.
Ultimately everything is found somewhere on the web, it's how the content is presented and described that makes people want to buy it. Amazon would do well to check the quality and reviews of books rather than use a bot to automatically mass block books arbitrarily.
In any case the re-write of my guide is now completely original and, thanks to a lot of work, still accurate for the most popular TaeKwonDo Grading requirements. (As always these vary by region so check locally).
Grab a copy today!
Containing the same great content as before the book includes specific grading requirements for ITF, TAGB, GTUK and many other styles of Tae Kwon Do.
* Grading requirements: Each belt broken into a section covering;
* Theory + meanings
* Practical and floor work requirements
* Korean terminology
* Patterns - step-by-step written guide
* Easy to follow
It's interesting that Amazon is keen to increase the amount of books available and yet at the same time refuses to list books that bear any passing resemblance to existing content elsewhere. Or as they put it "freely available on the web".
Fair enough you might say since they are trying to remove cheap, poor quality content scraped directly from the web. But when it comes to reference guides the fact is that there is only one way to describe certain techniques. It's either correct (and may be found elsewhere in part online) or it's wrong (but original). Obviously those of us that compile good quality reference guides (and have great reviews) become somewhat miffed when our books are removed for being similar to content found on the web.
Ultimately everything is found somewhere on the web, it's how the content is presented and described that makes people want to buy it. Amazon would do well to check the quality and reviews of books rather than use a bot to automatically mass block books arbitrarily.
In any case the re-write of my guide is now completely original and, thanks to a lot of work, still accurate for the most popular TaeKwonDo Grading requirements. (As always these vary by region so check locally).
Grab a copy today!
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